Physical Description: Kari has the physical appearance of a young man who engages in regular daily exercise.
Personality: Very polite, open, and outgoing. Kari is an extremely compassionate individual.
Mutant Abilities: Kari has the unique ability to generate a series of auras that can have several different healing effects upon an ally depending upon Kari's wishes. These abilities can be done by touch, or at a distance. When active a bright green light generates from Kari.
Due to Kari's generate healing auras, some auras have a beneficial effect on Kari at all times. The name of some of the inherent's is the same as the power that Kari gains the benefit from, while others are a side effect of being able to heal and generate auras. These inherent's come in two categories: Active and Passive. Active powers must be consciously controlled, while Passives are always active.
Aggression – purple, Anger – red, Bitterness – brown, Compassion – pink, Confusion - colors shift, and are mottled, Conservatism – lavender, Daydreaming - colors flicker sharply, Depression – gray, Desire - deep red, Pain - black pulsing veins in aura, Distrust - light green, Envy - dark green, Excitement – violet, Fear – orange, Frenzy - colors ripple, Generosity – rose, Happiness – vermilion, Hatred – black,Idealism – yellow, Innocence – white, Love – bright blue, Lust - deep red, Magic-user - multicolored sparkles in aura, Obsession – green, Psychosis - colors swirl, Rage – crimson, Sadness – silver, Serenity - light blue, Spirituality – gold, Suspicion - dark blue.
Kari had always been a quiet, calm, and reserved individual. Well mannered and polite and with very fair features he was often mistaken for a girl rather than a boy. His name never truly helped either. In the United States Kari was a feminine name, whereas in Finland where his parents came from, it was a masculine name. As he grew, Kari didn't live up to the masculine nature of his finnish name either, preferring simple activities for a small girl and her mother than those of a rough and tumble boy. Being this way it came as no shock to his parents that he would grow up to embrace his feminine nature in his life, seeming more girl than boy. Compassionate parents, he was never frowned upon for this and his parents let him be as he wished. It wouldn't surprise them in the least if one day their son decided to become their little girl. Kari's life was never easy though, the social stigma of being "girly" always haunting him in school. Peer pressure and bullies, the push to fit in and be like the cool kids always taunted at Kari, as did the more than occasional bullies fist. But Kari refused to change, indeed he continued to embrace his feminine nature and push it that much farther. Perhaps it was his way of spiting them, but he never showed it. Kari never fought back, he never argued with them, he pitied them and their inability to accept one who was simply different. Kari had inherited his parents compassion and acceptance, two traits that would serve him well.
Kari's first act of healing came the day his small dog was struck by a passing car. Heartbroken and distraught, he pulled the dog up into his arms and held it tight as he sobbed. Being a social outcast and generally alone, he was devastated that he was losing his best friend. This event triggered his powers for the first time, and Kari healed his dog, taking the animals wounds and pain into himself, healing the dogs wounds and saving it's life. The trauma that hit Kari was instant and he collapsed over, and being found not long after by his parents he was rushed to the hospital by ambulance... no one ever knew that the dog was the one hit by the car. The EMT's radioed ahead the hospital stating he had internal injuries and a collapsed lung. However upon reaching the hospital he had nothing more then bruises and abrasions. Baffled, the doctors could only come up with two conclusions; the first, the EMT was horribly mistaken, and the second, being the most likely of the two, he was a mutant. (His parents of course knew all along, but said nothing) Not a day later had the fighting began, and Kari's parents were killed. Currently Kari is homeless, living amongst the Imps in a shelter. But, always kind hearted, Kari began using his healing gift to help those around him.